Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Family Fun Day

Yeah, it's Friday!

Around here, Fridays are a big deal. Well, at least to my boys. They know that sometime during the day we will have fun since it is officially known as Friday Fun Day! However, I have been dragging myself along all morning since Eager to Help fell out of bed at 3:30 this morning and I didn't return back to sleep. I did, however, get up, have a good quiet time, prepare the breakfast table, clean the dishes I didn't get to, load the dishwasher, exercised and took a shower all before the kids heard me moving around 6:40. Whew!

No wonder the room or maybe I was spinning by 10:00 am! Thankfully my little girl was exhausted too so I gave her an early nap and let her brother play with legos while I slept an hour! Wow- do I feel great! Could this be the start of a new routine? I don't think so! But I am glad to have a some things done and didn't just sit in bed letting the hours go by wishing I were asleep.

The week did fly by and we are gradually getting used to a new school routine. My oldest is in first grade and has a full day, which was very hard for him the first week. Now his system is adjusting and I am realizing my own mornig schedule needs rethinking too in order for the mornings to go smoothly (but that will have to be another post!).

So, tonight's fun will be homemade pizza which the boys are eager to help make and a game of Sequence. My husband plays this game with them and I keep little Ready to Go out of the way in the process, usually playing with extra game pieces. Since they are usually exhausted by the end of the week, we keep bed routines pretty similar so they can get some extra sleep on Saturday.

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