Friday, February 12, 2010

Snowed In!

We have been hit hard for the last two weeks getting back to back snowstorms producing a record total of @55 inches of snow!!! No school for over a week for the kids and my hubby has had almost the whole week off. The above are some pictures around the house. We not only have the snow keeping us in but menacing icicles hanging down on windows. Just make sure you don't stand under them when they suddenly fall!
This is a view from the back of our house as the sun is rising in the morning. It certainly takes my breath away. I love God's handiwork! The white, clean snow does remind me of how gracious our heavenly Father is and that He renews our hearts and makes us clean again through His Son, Jesus.

A glimpse of the deserted busy street in front of our house. I have really enjoyed the quiet that the snow creates.

I also enjoy baking since we have been stuck inside. I made these Valentine doughnuts the other day. Delicious!

Hopefully next week kids will be back to in school creating bringing us back to normal. Now I have to get ready for Parent's Night Out that we are hosting on Valentine's night so kids can have fun while parents enjoy a romantic night out. Can't wait!
Enjoy your weekend!
If you would like to catch up on what other gals did this week head over to Company Girl Coffee.


  1. Those doughnuts look so cute!

    Ummm...the icicles...menacing...almost like jail, eek!

    Good luck getting back to normal! HAve a great weekend!

  2. My last neighborhood used to a Parent's Night Out thing -- maybe I should start one up here! Hope you had fun!
